Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thai Thighs with Mango Sauce

This recipe is a flavor explosion in your mouth. It's sweet and spicy. I think it's one of the top 10 favorite meals I've ever made. It was easy and healthy too! We served the chicken and mango sauce over basmati rice.
Thanks to Cole's Supermarket for the recipe once again: Thai Thighs with Mango Sauce

Eliott changed the name to Thai Thighs from Curry Chicken Thighs which I thought was appropriate because
1. I'm addicted to alliteration
2. the curry paste we used was a Thai Red Curry Paste

E: 10- It was so easy!
A: 6 - I don't have a mango tree growing in my backyard.
T: 9 - It was so quick!
HH: 10 - Eliott loved the flavors.

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